The City of Trogir in Croatia

The Croatian Coastal City Of Trogir

The city of Trogir is located on the Adriatic coast in the county of Split in Croatia with more than 10,000 residents and is a small city positioned in the Croatian island and the Ciovo mainland. Trogir is an outstanding and remarkable city in Croatia with its impressive medieval and Romanesque art condensed and enhanced by several rulers and over many centuries dating back to the Venetian era, the first century of AC. Trogir coastline is gathered together with 20 other islands, small towns, and villages. Arbanija, Okrug Gornji and Okrug Donji are small villages on Ciovo island that connects to Trogir town by a bridge.
Prior to crossing the bridge, you can find Trogir’s market with fresh fruits and vegetable stands. You will also see many restaurants where they offer exclusive local-based fish cuisines. The Sea Gate and Fish Market were renovated in the late 16th Century and now hold two fairly large light stone columns and are one of the favorite places to stop and have a meal or a cup of coffee. In 1997, The city of Trogir was integrated in UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) since it embraces monumental and historical buildings that have remained the cities tradition for more than 2300 years. It has become one of the most popular places to visit for tourists since it’s a city full of history.

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The Historical City of Trogir – Photo Gallery


In the 3rd century BC, the city of Trogir was created by the Greek settlers that came from the island of Vis and Trogir expanded into a major harbor until the Roman era. At the time of the fall of the Roman Empire in the 5th Century, it matured and developed as an unconventional town. During the 6th Century the Croats established in to the city of Trogir and began building structures. In the beginning of the middle ages the Greeks felt the new Romanian culture and artisans and masons, who are experienced in building stone structures, began building churches with interlaced embellishments that includes a mixture of bands and portions of loops and braided and knotted complex interlaced motifs. Thru the 1oth Century, the Trogir people transformed their old urban life and in their battle with against the Venetians, the royals of Hungary induced Trogir to their side as a payback to ensure their individuality. In the 13th Century, while still recuperating from the battle against the Venetians, the Trogir people began building their new cathedral. In 1420, the future of Trogir was interrupted by the oppression of the Venetians, which lasted for almost four centuries up until 1797. During this time Trogir was reconstructed once again and many new houses, towers, palaces, and fortresses were assembled. After a short age, Trogir fell under the rule of Napoleon which is recalled by meaningful healthcare improvements and modern recession. Austrians seized control of Trogir again, between 1814-1914 when Trogir civilians underwent epidemics, hunger and illnesses. Shortly after 1848, the process of a liberal government began and in 1877, Croats once again were free. But the real restitution and the customary way of life began in 1970 when the business of transportation and tourism began hiring more than half of Trogir civilians. From the 80’s until today, the city of Trogir is one of the most visited places by tourists around the world. The city of Trogir holds a constructive style of modern Europe giving the impression of a fairy tale where most of the houses and constructions are made from masonry and brickwork and is one of the best-upheld cities that was originated by the Greeks and Issa in the 3rd century, taken up by the Romans and survived the invasion of Slavs in the 7th century.


Trogir’s history and its architectural style of medieval Europe are what makes the city of Trogir in Croatia one of the most popular tourist attractions in Croatia. Some of the best attractions are Kamerlengo Castle is a fortress in Trogir Croatia that was built by the republic of Venice in the mid-15th century and began to deteriorate in the late 19th century and renewed after World War ll. The Trogir Cathedral well-known as the Cathedral of St. Lawrence is regarded as one of the most exceptionally and superior of structures built in the late 13th century by Greeks, Venetians, and Romanians. One of the most stunning features of this cathedral is the Romanesque entrance imprinted by Master Radovan in 1240 with two stone lions, one on each side, and Cipiko Palace was the home of a very well-known family in the 15th century. The city of Trogir, Croatia is a constructive township that has just about anything you could need, from restaurants, housings, harbor, beaches, and a whole lot of history and surroundings that make it one of the most attractive places to go see.