The City Of Split

The Biggest City in region of Dalmatia, Split City

City of Split The biggest city in the region of Dalmatia and the second largest town in Croatia is Split, which resides on the east coast. Over 17 centuries old, Split dates back to an era when Diocletian, a Roman Emperor, chose to construct his Palace near the great Roman city Salona, right on the peninsula, because that’s where he wanted to spend the rest of his life.
Over time, the Palace transitioned into a populated city that attracts many tourists with its rich history, glorious tradition, and cultural heritage.

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The City of Split in Croatia – Photo Gallery

Since 1979, the historical core of Split, as well as the Diocletian Palace, have been on the World Heritage UNESCO list. This is not just to preserve the Palace, but to make the city and its Palace thrive. Each of Rome’s historical layers from the middle ages right through to present day are still apparent. You’ll walk through time as you tour this ancient city and see archaic structures like the middle-aged Gothic Palace and Romanesque Church, Peristyle, Baroque facades, Renaissance portals of the noblemen’s homes, and contemporary architecture that blends in with the rich history.
Such lamination can be seen daily in Split. Residents relax in the same restaurants, cafes, and shopping centers as vacationers, leaving the impression that, by coming to Split, they’ve acclimated into the city’s culture. The fish and vegetable markets reflect family life in the Croatian city, and the social life of the city’s 200,000 citizens can be seen on the waterfront (Riva). In fact, all tourists should try to have a cup of coffee on Split’s temperamental folk.

There is more to Split than its sights, though. Split is also a place to eat gourmet dishes and taste great wine. There are several cultural events that take place here, including theater and movie festivals, museums, exhibitions, and concerts. Split presents eclectic entertainment modes beginning with various bars and clubs, as well as street festivities like the Ultra Europe Festival, which attracts almost 100,000 people from around the world. Split is something not very many cities of its size can brag about as it is host to 12 Olympic medal winners, in addition to numerous other medals won by athletes.
When you want to escape from the city’s hustle-and-bustle, you can visit Marjan, which is full of jogging trails, forest hikes, mountain climbing, biking paths, and recreational terrains. Marjan also is home to ancient churches. It’s not common to discover a city of Split’s size with all the things it has to offer, including all the beaches and clean waters around the city. Popular tourist spots include the Bačvice and the stone secluded oases’ surrounding Marjan.